Site status is currently: No Violation, following 0 inspections.
Leave your comments, questions and feedback on this site below. You can also include up to date contact information and correct any listing errors or omissions.
Id | 473824 |
Registry Id | 110050485462 |
Fac State | NC |
Fac Epa Region | 04 |
Fac Indian Cntry Flg | N |
Fac Lat | 35.53971 |
Fac Long | -79.130864 |
Fac Map Icon | no_ll.png |
Fac Collection Method | State Centroid |
Fac Accuracy Meters | 999.99999999 |
Fac Myrtk Universe | NNN |
Fac Inspection Count | 0 |
Fac Informal Count | 0 |
Fac Formal Action Count | 0 |
Fac Total Penalties | 0 |
Fac Penalty Count | 0 |
Fac Qtrs In Nc | 0 |
Fac Programs In Snc | 0 |
Fac Curr Compliance Status | No Violation |
Fac Curr Snc Flg | N |
Fac 3yr Compliance Status | ____________ |
Air Flag | N |
Npdes Flag | N |
Sdwis Flag | Y |
Rcra Flag | N |
Tri Flag | N |
Ghg Flag | N |
Caa Curr Hpv Flag | N |
Cwa Curr Snc Flag | N |
Rcra Curr Snc Flag | N |
Sdwa Ids | NC0180175 |
Sdwa System Types | Transient non-community system |
Sdwa Curr Compliance Status | No Violation |
Sdwa Curr Snc Flag | N |
Ejscreen Flag Us | N |