1066 HWY 278
Site status is currently: No Violation, following 0 inspections.
Last inspection was on 05/06/1.
See data table below.
Leave your comments, questions and feedback on this site below. You can also include up to date contact information and correct any listing errors or omissions.
Id | 1334097 |
Registry Id | 110002331021 |
Fac Street | 1066 HWY 278 |
Fac City | BLUFFTON |
Fac State | SC |
Fac Zip | 29910 |
Fac County | BEAUFORT |
Fac Fips Code | 45013 |
Fac Epa Region | 04 |
Fac Indian Cntry Flg | N |
Fac Lat | 32.234389 |
Fac Long | -80.81775 |
Fac Map Icon | RCRA-IC-MN-N.png |
Fac Accuracy Meters | 999.99999999 |
Fac Derived Huc | 03050208 |
Fac Derived Wbd | 030601100301 |
Fac Derived Stcty Fips | 45013 |
Fac Derived Zip | 29910 |
Fac Derived Cd113 | 01 |
Fac Derived Cb2010 | 450130021083010 |
Fac Percent Minority | 35.39 |
Fac Pop Den | 531.7 |
Fac Active Flag | Y |
Fac Myrtk Universe | NNN |
Fac Inspection Count | 0 |
Fac Date Last Inspection | 05/06/1 |
Fac Days Last Inspection | 9216 |
Fac Informal Count | 0 |
Fac Formal Action Count | 0 |
Fac Total Penalties | 0 |
Fac Penalty Count | 0 |
Fac Qtrs In Nc | 0 |
Fac Programs In Snc | 0 |
Fac Curr Compliance Status | No Violation |
Fac Curr Snc Flg | N |
Fac 3yr Compliance Status | ____________ |
Air Flag | N |
Npdes Flag | N |
Sdwis Flag | N |
Rcra Flag | Y |
Tri Flag | N |
Ghg Flag | N |
Caa Curr Hpv Flag | N |
Cwa Curr Snc Flag | N |
Rcra Ids | SCD982123580 |
Rcra Permit Types | CESQG |
Rcra Days Last Evaluation | 9216 |
Rcra Qtrs In Nc | 0 |
Rcra Curr Compliance Status | No Violation |
Rcra Curr Snc Flag | N |
Rcra 3yr Compl Qtrs Status | ____________ |
Sdwa Curr Snc Flag | N |
Fac Date Last Inspection State | 05/06/1 |
Ejscreen Flag Us | N |